Saturday, May 7

A compie 5 anni. E festeggia in terrazza. A turns five. And it celebrates on the terrace.

Una serata con la A maiuscola.
A come affascinante. A come allegra. A come autorevole. A come autentica. Ovvero la gioia autentica di festeggiare un rivista femminile italiana, fresca, frizzante ed.. avveniristica.

An evening with the A. 
A like astonishing. A like authoritative. A like authentic. That stands for the real joy to celebrate an Italian female magazine, a fresh, sparkling and futuristic one.

Thursday, May 5

THE SPREAD HEADS. I mostri amano il kectchup? Do monsters love ketchup?

Il conte Dracula amava il ketchup? E la senape? Ecco a voi gli Spread Heads. Un modo esilarante di versare le salse.

Was Count Dracula used to love ketchup? Or even mustard? Here they are the Spread Heads. A funny way to squeeze sauces.

Tuesday, May 3

LIMA FASHION WEEK. I nuovi colori della moda. The new colors of fashion.

Luce e colore dalle passerelle della Lima Fashion Week 2011. Le nuove frontiere della moda nascono da qui.

Light and color from the Lima Fashion Week 2011 runways. The new frontiers of fashion start from here.

Monday, May 2

FREDERIQUE MORREL. Creazioni d'arazzo. Tapestry creations.

Arazzi da trofeo. Per animali dalla vecchia stoffa. Le grottesche creature di Frederique Morrel.

Tapestries as trophies. For old needlworks animals. For freaky creations by Frederique Morrel.  
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