Tuesday, October 12

Le bamboline di HAND MADE AWARDS. Meraviglie da coccolare. HAND MADE AWARDS' DOLLS. Wonders to cuddle.

C'è Carmen, la spagnolita ballerina di tango. Helga, l'olandesina con gli zoccoli di legno. Lola che porta a passeggio i cani e Amy che muore dalla voglia di un po' di nutella. Sembrano ragazze vere, le adorabili bamboline di lana di Hand Made Awards. Incredibilmente deliziose.

There's Carmen, the Spanish tango dancer. Helga, the Dutch girl in the wooden clogs.
Lola who's taking her dogs out for a walk and Amy who's looking forward having some nutella. They look like real women, the lovely knitten dolls by Hand Made Awards. So cute, you can't believe it!
Inteneriscono per i loro occhietti luminosi e i pomellini rosati, divertono per le pose da diva che assumono e lasciano esterrefatti per l'accuratezza dei dettagli che le caratterizzano.

Semplicissime per i materiali con cui sono create, lana e fili colorari, raffinatissime nella loro personalizzazione. Sembrano infatti avere un carattere, una personalità ben distinta.

Allegre, smorfiose, timide e dolcissime. Sono le meravigliose bambole donnine di Hand Made Awards.

They move for their bright tiny eyes and for those rosy cheeks, they make you laugh when are pretending to be a star but they leave you in astonishment for the great care given to all of their details.

Really simple for the materials they are made of, just wool and coloured threads, but so cool in the way they are characterized. They seem to have really a distinctive personality.

Cheerful, simpering, shy and so sweet. They are the beautiful women-dolls by Hand Made Awards.

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