Thursday, December 23

A ciascuno il suo... biglietto d'auguri. BUON NATALE da PERSPECTIVE. To each his own greetings card. MERRY CHRISTMAS from PERSPECTIVE.

Amiamo le cose belle, che comunicano un sentire. Nulla come i biglietti di Natale sa veicolare affetto e calore durante le feste natalizie.

We all love beautiful things, that convey a feeling. Nothing as Christmas greeting cards can transmit love and warmth at Christmas.

Wednesday, December 22

7 KEYHOLES. But only one key. The enigmatic lock by LUC D'HANIS e SOFIE LACHAERT. Sette serrature, ma una chiave sola. L'enigmatico lucchetto di LUC D'HANIS and SOFIE LACHAERT.

Un lucchetto con 7 buchi della serratura. Solo uno ne permette l'apertura. L'affascinante e misterioso lucchetto disegnato da Luc d'Hanis e Sofie Lachaert per Droog.

A 7 keyholes padlock. Only one hole allows the opening. The charming and misterious lock designed by Luc d'Hanis and Sofie Lachaert for Droog Design.

Tuesday, December 21

HAYV KAHRAMAN. La sconfinata bellezza del dolore. The boundless beauty of the sorrow.

Sconfinato, perchè senza confini. Senza limite al dolore fisico, senza limite alla sofferenza dell'anima. La sofisticata bellezza del dolore delle donne dipinte da Hayv Kahraman.

Boundless, because without borders. Without limit to the pain, without limit to sorrow. The sophisticated beauty of the sorrow suffered by the women painted by Hayv Kahraman.

Monday, December 20

REVIVAL DAB ROBERTS RADIO. Nostalgic song a portata di mano. Portable nostalgic songs.

Design rigoroso, ma raffinato allo stesso tempo, come dettava la moda anni '50. E' la sofisticata Revival DAB Radio di Roberts. Bella e ruggente come allora. 

Serious but refined design, as it was in fashion in Fities'. It's the sophisticated Revival DAB Radio by Roberts. Beautiful and roaring as at that time.
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